Distance Reiki
What is Reiki?
Reiki is an ancient technique that originated in Japan. The word Reiki is composed of two Japanese words: “rei’ is generally translated as “universal” and the word ” Ki” is translated as ” energy” or ” life force”. Therefore, Reiki represents the Universal life force energy that is within us and prevails all around us. Many branches of science now understand that there is an unseen energy that flows through all living beings. Reiki is a form of “energy healing’ that works well alongside all forms of treatment (e.g. Western Medicine, Counseling, and Alternative Medicine).
How does Distant Reiki Healing work?
Distant energy healing sessions are just as powerful and effective as in-person sessions. Distant energy healing is held on a video call with the practitioner and client from two different locations. The practitioner and client schedule a time for the session and discuss presenting concerns and goals the client may have for the session. At the scheduled time, the client is requested to sit or lie down in a private, quiet place, through the length of the session with no interruptions.
The Reiki practitioner visualizes the client, scans for chakra blockages, and directs the energy to the chakras with similar positions on the body that are treated during an in-person session. The Reiki energy is directed to similar positions on the body that are treated during an in-person session. The practitioner might choose crystals especially for areas where the client needs healing
- Reiki facilitates self-healing for the unified brain/body.
- Most beings (animals and humans) deeply relax and feel peaceful.
- Energy flows everywhere and is guided by intention as is Reiki.
- Consistent interaction with universal life force energy (Reiki) raises the body’s vibration and can evoke deeper healing.
- Develops body awareness of triggers and feelings of anxiety
- Assist in removing energy blocks of anxiety from the body
- Increase the level of happiness and emotional well-being
What is Reiki and How Does It Work?
Reiki is an ancient technique that originated in Japan. The word Reiki is composed of two Japanese words: “rei” is generally translated as “universal” and the word “ki” is translated as ” energy” or ” life force”. Therefore, Reiki represents the Universal life force energy that is within us and prevails all around us. Many branches of science now understand that there is an unseen energy that flows through all living beings. Reiki is a form of “energy healing’ that can accompany forms of treatment such as western medicine, counseling, and alternative medicine. Reiki is a simple and powerful healing technique that balances the energy system of the body. This balance can lead to the improvement of an individual’s health, increased relaxation and enhance mental & physical well-being.
During the Reiki session, the client will be lying on a table (fully clothed). The Reiki Healer, at about 6 inches above the client’s body, will scan your body with her hands looking for energy blockages in the chakras (energy centers of the body). After the body has been scanned, the practitioner will position her hands on or near any areas that need attention or healing. The Reiki healing experience is unique to every individual. Commonly, people feel very relaxed and may feel a tingling or temperature change (heat/cold) where the practitioner’s hands are. Some people may experience a range of emotions and cry to release them during the treatment. A lot of people report feeling the energy move throughout their body and feel relief once the session is complete. Many people also report feeling very sleepy and some even report not feeling anything at all. All of these reactions are normal and none indicate the level at which the Reiki is working to heal you.
If you are open to the experience, it will help you.
After the session, your body will “detox” any unwanted energy; you will want to make sure that you are well hydrated. It’s a good idea to drink water before the session as well. For the next 24-48 hours after the session, people experience many different things, all very unique to each individual.